Accessible Customer Service
If you require an accessible version of a document or assistance, we are happy to work with you. Please contact Service Oshawa.
The Accessibility Improvement Awards are now closed. Details below.
Assistive Devices, Technologies, Interpreters/Support Persons
Let us know if you need accessibility assistance to share your thoughts, join a program or attend a Council or Committee meeting.
Many City service counters have assistive devices such as Ubi Duos, magnifiers and listening devices to help you. To ensure the right tools and people are available to assist you, please contact the department providing the service (e.g. Legislative Services for Council or Committee Meetings) or Service Oshawa at least one business day before the activity or meeting.
Feedback and requests for alternate format information or communication support
We welcome your feedback on our accessible goods, services, programs and facilities.
We are committed to providing accessible information and communications to our customers and we understand that people with disabilities may use different ways to get information. Our policy is to offer documents in an alternate accessible format or provide communication support upon request.
Access Service Oshawa Online to submit an alternate accessible format request.
Policies and Procedures
The City ensures accessibility through its policies, procedures and practices by focusing on integration, independence, dignity and equal opportunity for people with disabilities.
- Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation Policy
- Provision of Accessible Format
- Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation Training Guide
Accessibility Improvement Awards
The City of Oshawa and the Oshawa Accessibility Advisory Committee annually present Accessibility Improvement Awards to residents, businesses and organizations of Oshawa who have taken steps to improve accessibility for people with disabilities.
There are many individuals, businesses and organizations in our community that are making a difference so that people of all abilities can actively live, work, learn and play in Oshawa. Perhaps it is the neighbour who shovels the snow from your mother’s driveway, the business owner who carries out your purchases to the car, or the organization that supports your family.
Take a moment to thank these individuals or organizations by nominating them for an Oshawa Accessibility Award:
Nomination submissions are now closed
Nominations are closed.
Award recipients will be invited to receive their award at a future Special Council meeting to discuss accessibility and inclusion which will be scheduled for this spring.