Planned Route
The planned routing for the GO Lakeshore East Extension passes through the existing Durham College Oshawa GO Station and uses C.P.K.C.-owned General Motors spur line to cross Highway 401 to connect to the C.P.K.C. mainline. The routing makes an eventual connection through C.P.K.C.'s Belleville Subdivision to Bowmanville.
The routing includes four new stations, with two new GO Stations in Oshawa:
- “Thornton's Corners East” GO Station located near the intersection of Fox Street and Laval Drive
- “Ritson Road” GO Station located midway between Simcoe St. S. and Ritson Rd. S., south of the C.P.K.C. mainline

Map of the planned routing and station locations for the GO Lakeshore East Extension
The Municipality of Clarington, City of Oshawa, Regional Municipality of Durham, Municipality of Port Hope, Town of Cobourg, County of Northumberland, Durham College, Trent University Durham, and Ontario Tech University support of the GO Lakeshore East Extension.
Oshawa is financially invested in the GO Lakeshore East Extension – the City has allocated potential capital funding for the Central Oshawa Transportation Hub, and has retained Parsons to complete a land use and transportation study for the Central Oshawa Transportation Hub.
The GO Lakeshore East Extension aligns with the relevant policy framework, including local land use planning, economic goals, environmental priorities and transit/transportation planning. It will support integrated and active transportation networks, supporting the development of sustainable transit-friendly communities. The GO Lakeshore East Extension will help ensure an accessible education system and a modern post-secondary education sector.
The GO Lakeshore East Extension will help preserve the capacity of agricultural land by supporting growth in existing urban areas. New residential growth is occurring and adding more pressure to existing transportation networks. Current demands on the existing Oshawa GO Station far exceed its capacity.
The GO Lakeshore East Extension will also:
- Locate station sites in employment areas and near residential populations to help create complete communities
- Create an integrated active transportation and transit network, where walking, cycling and local transit are integrated with GO train service
- Help reduce the negative impact of Highway 401 congestion on the economy
- Ensure cleaner air through reduced greenhouse gas emissions
- Provide rail service for a diverse demographic that is uninterested in or unable to afford automobile use
Economic Impact
The GO Lakeshore East Extension enables local investment, job creation, business attraction, expansion and retention, ensuring the long-term economic health of the Durham Region. The 2016 Economic Impact Analysis (Executive Report) showed that the GO Lakeshore East Extension would generate $1.1 billion in transit-oriented, walkable urban development. The Economic Impact Analysis showed the GO Lakeshore East Extension would enable:
- 21,000 permanent new jobs
- 6,000 person years in construction employment
- Construction of 6,000 new homes within walking distance of a GO Station
- $70 million in annual savings for residents related to time, vehicle costs and improved road safety
- 50 million kilometres a year reduction in private vehicle use, reducing CO2 emissions
Project History
A timeline of key history and milestones in the GO Lakeshore East Extension project is provided below.
2023 |
- June 8 to 21, 2023 - Metrolinx undertakes public consultation on the Bowmanville Extension Environmental Project Report (E.P.R.) Addendum. Since completion of the E.P.R. in 2011, Metrolinx has advanced the design of the GO Lakeshore East Extension, including changes to the proposed layover facility, potential GO station locations, and track alignment, as well as the addition of new bridges, bridge replacements and bridge expansions to accommodate the proposed new tracks.
- June 19, 2023 - Metrolinx announces Bowmanville Construction Partners (B.C.P.) as the construction manager for the GO Lakeshore East Extension. B.C.P. is a general partnership between Ledcor CMI Ltd. and Dragados Canada Inc. The announcement notes that Metrolinx expects nearly 17,000 daily trips on the GO Lakeshore East Extension by 2041.
- October 5 to November 6, 2023 - Metrolinx publishes Notice of Environmental Project Report Addendum for the GO Lakeshore East Extension on October 5, 2023, with a 30 day public review period ending November 6, 2023.
- December 11, 2023 - Notice to Proceed is issued by the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. The Notice is available for viewing on Metrolinx's Bowmanville Extension webpage.
- Region of Durham News Release on the Notice to Proceed issued.
2022 |
- April 20, 2022 - Metrolinx releases the Preliminary Design Business Case for the GO Lakeshore East Extension. The Preliminary Design Business Case confirms the planned route north of Highway 401. This extends rail service on the Lakeshore East corridor, with planned station stops at Thornton's Corners, Central Oshawa, Courtice and Bowmanville. Metrolinx also releases a Request for Proposal to invite proponents to prepare and submit competitive submissions to perform work for the GO Lakeshore East Extension.
- May 6, 2022 - Premier Doug Ford announces the Progressive Conservatives intend to invest $730 million to bring two-way, all-day GO Train service to Bowmanville.
2020 |
- February 13, 2020 - (Former) Durham MPP Lindsey Park provided an update in Clarington on the GO Lakeshore East Extension. The update announced that:
- February 20, 2020 - Metrolinx confirms GO Lakeshore East Extension decision. The Regional Chair, Chief Executive Officer for The Regional Municipality of Durham and the Mayors of the City of Oshawa and Municipality of Clarington provide a joint statement.
2019 |
- February 16, 2019 – Metrolinx begins operation of the Park N Ride in Central Oshawa. The facility is located on First Ave., between Ritson Rd. S. and Simcoe St. S.
- February 2019 – a report to the Metrolinx Board on major capital project status included the GO Lakeshore East Extension as a project in the E.A. and design phase.
- February 2019 – Regional representatives brief the Minister of Transportation on the GO Lakeshore East Extension at the Ontario Good Roads Association conference.
- March 25, 2019 – Regional Chair Henry met with (former) Minister of Transportation Jeff Yurek. Yurek and Chair Henry discuss the GO Lakeshore East Extension.
- April 8, 2019 – Metrolinx Board members tour the proposed route and station sites. Metrolinx was joined by the Regional Chair and Clarington, Oshawa and Whitby Mayors. Metrolinx heard a presentation from Region of Durham staff on the importance of the GO Lakeshore East Extension.
- May 2, 2019 – Metrolinx Open House, Abilities Centre, Whitby. At a Town Hall meeting in Whitby, Metrolinx’s C.E.O. stated that four options were under consideration, including routes for the extension south of Highway 401.
- May 17, 2019 – the Regional Chair and C.A.O., Mayors and C.A.O.s of Oshawa, Clarington and Whitby met with Metrolinx officials. The Mayors and C.A.O.s expressed that the original route (on the Canadian Pacific Kansas City railway corridor north of Highway 401) remains the best route for the community.
- May 21 & 22, 2019 – Metrolinx Public Meetings held in two information centres in Clarington and Oshawa. These meetings revealed the four options under consideration for the GO Lakeshore East Extension.
- June 2019 - Metrolinx staff met twice with local and regional staff. Meetings were to discuss assumptions and data inputs on the development of a new initial business case. This initial business case would evaluate the four options.
- June 2019 – Regional Council approves a study around the proposed station sites for the GO Lakeshore East Extension. The study would examine land value uplift and transit-oriented development opportunities.
2018 |
- March 8, 2018 – Metrolinx Board approves the 2041 Regional Transportation Plan. Expanding GO Train service in Durham Region builds upon planning work, and service and infrastructure improvements already underway through this Plan.
- April 2018 – Metrolinx held public meetings in Oshawa and Bowmanville as part of the Environmental Assessment Addendum process for this rail corridor. Stantec's findings were published in August 2018.
- June 7, 2018 – Progressive Conservatives win the provincial election. Their party election platform included the GO Lakeshore East Extension.
- November 2018 – Metrolinx C.E.O. meets with Durham Region. Metrolinx notes that negotiations towards system-wide agreements with both Canadian National Rail and Canadian Pacific Kansas City Rail were underway.
- November 2018 – Durham Region and local municipal Councils pass resolutions in support of the project. These resolutions are sent to the Province and Metrolinx.
2017 |
- October 2017 – A technical advisory, design, and construction support services contract is awarded by Metrolinx.
- An addendum to the 2011 Environmental Assessment is commenced.
2016 |
- April 2016 – An Economic Impact Analysis – procured by the City of Oshawa, Municipality of Clarington and other key stakeholders – is released (Executive Report also available).
- June 20, 2016 – (Former) Premier Kathleen Wynne announces the GO Lakeshore East Extension will be completed by 2024.
2015 |
- June 15, 2015 – Oshawa City Council approves an Integrated Transportation Master Plan.
2008-2014 |
- 2014 - Metrolinx acquires the former Knob Hill Farms property for a proposed new GO Station in Central Oshawa.
- 2013 - Updated Big Move includes the GO Lakeshore East Extension and reflects the route north of Hwy 401.
- 2012 - Metrolinx unveils Next Wave of Big Move projects, including the GO Lakeshore East Extension.
- 2011 - The Province approves an Environmental Assessment (E.A.) for the GO Lakeshore East Extension. The approved E.A. chooses a route north of Hwy 401 along the Canadian Pacific Kansas City (C.P.K.C.) mainline. The E.A. highlighted the advantages which led to the approval of the C.P.K.C. mainline-adjacent routing as the preferred option.
- 2010 - Regional Official Plan Amendment 128 confirms the alignment of the GO rail service on the north side of Highway 401 as a key driver of intensification and growth in Oshawa.
- 2008 - Metrolinx approves the Big Move, including the GO Lakeshore East Extension to Bowmanville.