The City of Oshawa is committed to ensuring social equity, cultural vitality and accountability to all community members and visitors.
The City understands the significant concerns related to being a tenant. To assist, we provide current information and contacts that may be useful for tenants throughout the City. Oshawa's Tenant Information Guide has tips and contacts, including those who can ensure that renters are being treated fairly under the law. It also has information to ensure each rental unit is safe, properly equipped and maintained according to established standards.
In addition to the City's Tenant Information Guide, the Landlord and Tenant Board has developed an Information for New Tenants brochure. Landlords must provide this information to new tenants on or before the date their tenancy begins. This ensures that new tenants have information about their rights and responsibilities when they enter into a tenancy agreement.
Tenant News
The Province of Ontario requires landlords of most private residential rental units (including individual landlords and property management companies) to use the standard lease template for all new leases. For more information on the new requirement, visit the Province's standard lease webpage or contact the Landlord Tenant Board.
Renting in Oshawa |
As a tenant in Ontario, and specifically in the City of Oshawa, you have rights under the law that provide you with basic levels of protection. Those laws include: These tools allow tenants to ensure that they are represented fairly and protected in their particular living situations. |
Residential Tenancies Act |
The Ontario Residential Tenancies Act establishes basic "ground rules" for tenants and landlords regarding rental rights and obligations. As a tenant, the most common rental issues that you may face that involve the Landlord and Tenant Board include:
The Residential Tenancies Act is the responsibility of the Province of Ontario. Contact the Landlord and Tenant Board for more information at 1-888-332-3234. The Landlord and Tenant Board's “Brochure: Information for New Tenants” provides vital information for new tenants. |
City of Oshawa Standards |
The City of Oshawa has by-laws which apply to rental properties. These by-laws include provisions which can assist in ensuring that the rental units meet standards of safety and occupancy. The by-laws and services that you should be aware of include:
Fire Safety: Working Smoke Alarms |
Working fire safety devices including smoke alarms, carbon monoxide and fire extinguishers can save lives. Landlords and homeowners are required by law to have working smoke alarms. Smoke alarms should be tested monthly and replaced if they are more than ten years old. In addition to working smoke alarms, individuals should know what to do when the alarms sound, plan escape routes and practice their escape plans. The fine for non-working smoke alarms is up to $50,000 for an individual and/or one-year imprisonment. |
Steps to resolving Tenant Issues |
Depending on your issues or concerns, you may need to contact:
Before contacting the Board or the City, there are some important steps you need to follow:
Note: Do not submit complaints to the Board or the City until you have followed these steps. If the issue is an emergency, contact the appropriate emergency responders. |
Resources |
City of Oshawa - Service Oshawa Durham Region Social Services Durham Region Health Department Oshawa Fire Services Durham Region Police Service Landlord & Tenant Board Durham Community Legal Clinic Legal Aid Ontario Access to Justice Hub |