Multi-residential Services
The City of Oshawa and Circular Materials provide municipal waste and recycling collection services at some multi-residential buildings. Multi-residential buildings include apartments with nine or more dwelling units and condominiums, including townhouse complexes that require private property access. Ask your building superintendent to find out if your building participates in the program.
Municipal Waste Collection Service on private property requires special consideration during the design and planning process based on the Guidelines and Design Standards. The standards make sure that collection can be done safely and efficiently.
For those properties that choose not meet the standards for municipal collection, the property owner must arrange for waste collection services through a private waste collection contractor at their own expense.
Serviced multi-residential buildings
Garbage collection
Multi-residential buildings receiving municipal garbage collection will use bulk waste storage containers. Tenants should consult with the property manager to ensure proper use. The collection of large residential items must be scheduled by the property owner, manager or building superintendent by calling Service Oshawa. For details about the collection of large items, visit our Large Item Collection page.
Property owners, managers, and superintendents must ensure garbage enclosures, storage and management of waste comply with the following:
- Waste Collection By-law
- Guidelines and Design Standards for Waste Management Facilities
- Waste Collection on Private Property Agreement
If an additional level of service is required outside of the City's waste collection program, it is at the owner's expense.
Recycling collection
Circular Materials provides recycling collection and supplies. Each serviced multi-residential building has recycling totes and in some cases, recycle bins dedicated for cardboard and boxboard. Learn more about Circular Materials Apartment and Townhouse Recycling program.
For any recycling collection inquiries, please reach out to Circular Materials' local recycling contractor. They can be contacted about replacement bins, missed collection and any other recycling questions by contacting the following:
Miller Waste (multi-residential property residents)
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 1-888-852-4723
Non-serviced multi-residential buildings
Some multi-residential buildings do not receive waste collection through the City of Oshawa. Locations that do not meet the standards for municipal collection must arrange for waste collection services through a private contractor at their own expense.
Ask your property owner, manager or building superintendent if your building receives municipal or private waste collection.
The City of Oshawa may consider providing municipal waste collection service for existing complexes, which are currently receiving waste collection by a private contractor. The property owner, manager or building superintendent must submit an application for City Administered Waste Collection Service on Private Property through Service Oshawa. The City will review based on the Guidelines and Design Standards for Waste Management Facilities for collection on private property to ensure that the property can adequately store waste and accommodate collection safely and efficiently.
Properties eligible to receive municipal waste collection service are also required to implement a recycling collection program provided by the Circular Materials.
Waste site plan review process
It is essential to consider waste collection service requirements for new multi-residential buildings during the site design process. Municipal Waste Collection Service on private property for multi-residential buildings and condominium complexes requires special consideration during the design and planning process.
Through the Site Plan Application process, developers and/or consultants must confirm their request to receive municipal waste collection services by completing an application for City Administered Waste Collection Service on Private Property.
The site plan submission must address the standards and requirements for municipal waste collection services outlined in the documents below:
- Guidelines and Design Standards for Waste Management Facilities
- Waste Collection on Private Property Agreement
The approval to receive municipal waste collection service is based on meeting the above municipal standards, the completion of the appropriate application/indemnity agreement, and a final inspection to ensure that collection vehicles can enter and exit the site safely and efficiently.
Approval of recycling collection must also be provided by Circular Materials and meet their requirements for multi-residential recycling collection. For recycling inquiries please contact Circular Materials by emailing Circular Materials.