E-scooters and e-bikes
The City of Oshawa’s shared micro-mobility pilot program has now concluded
The City of Oshawa was one of several municipalities across Ontario participated in the Province’s e-scooter pilot program to help determine if e-scooters will be allowed permanently in Ontario.
Oshawa City Council will consider information received throughout the pilot program to determine the next steps at a Council meeting planned for January 2025.
E-scooters and e-bikes are part of the growing ‘micro-mobility’ sector that increases transportation options for community members and visitors to explore our city and are normally used for shorter trips.
E-scooter pilot project
The City of Oshawa is one of several municipalities across Ontario participating in the Province’s e-scooter pilot program to help determine if e-scooters will be allowed permanently in Ontario. Oshawa’s traffic and parking by-laws have been updated to recognize e-scooters and identify where they can be used while prioritizing the safety of all who use city roads, trails and pathways.
Ride-sharing devices
Through a competitive bid process, Oshawa chose Bird and Neuron Mobility to deliver a two year ride-sharing pilot program at no cost to the City. All questions about the e-bikes, e-scooters, operation and pricing can be found on the vendor websites.
For e-scooter and e-bike users
- Riders must be 16 or older to use an e-scooter
- Helmets are mandatory for riders under 18 years old and encouraged for all riders
- Only one person can ride an e-scooter at a time. Anyone riding with a child as a passenger can receive a fine.
- The maximum speed limit is 20 km/hr
- For the safety of pedestrians, e-scooters are not allowed on sidewalks
- E-scooters are not permitted on roads with speed limits of more than 50 km/h
- Exercise caution around pedestrians
- Riders must give warning to pedestrians before passing by using a bell or through verbal indication. Always yield to walkers. Slow down and leave space when passing people
- Riders must park devices in a secure and upright position.
- As per the Highway Traffic Act riders must not operate e-scooter while impaired
Title | Video |
Cycling safety | |
Introduction to Micromobility | |
Motorists and Micromobility Devices |
For drivers, pedestrians and other road users
- Expect and look for people on e-scooters
- Keep to the right to allow others to pass on the left
- Remember to give at least 1m of distance between your vehicle and an e-scooter on the road.
- Check your mirrors when exiting your vehicle to avoid colliding with oncoming e-scooter users
Where can I ride an e-scooter or e-bike?
On the City’s multiuse pathways, cycling facilities like cycle tracks and bike lanes, and on roads with a speed limit of 50 km/h or lower. E-scooters are NOT allowed on sidewalks.
Please note: Ride-sharing vendors like Bird and Neuron Mobility use geofence technology to create “no ride”, “no park” and “slow zones” including downtown areas, near hospital, and senior homes.
Where can I park an e-scooter or e-bike?
- They must be parked in an upright position and may be parked in the same locations as traditional bicycles, including: bike rack or ring and post racks
- Ride-share e-scooters or e-bikes must be parked upright in the areas identified in each of the vendor apps. Parking in non-designated areas is not permitted
Reporting concerns about ride-sharing vendors and equipment
To assist with reporting, each e-scooter or e-bike has a printed number on it to identify the device in question.
People with visual impairment can use the information provided on the raised letter label to report.
Community members can report concerns directly to the e-scooter or e-bike vendor apps available on Apple and Android devices.
Ride-sharing vendors contact information

If you see a ride-share device toppled over or parked improperly, you can stand it back up or report the issue to the vendor.
The ride-sharing vendors have committed to responding to devices parked incorrectly within 15 minutes to one hour.
Sidewalk riding, parking and other concerns related to privately-owned e-bikes and e-scooters should be reported to Service Oshawa at 905-436-3311.