Ministry of Transportation Projects
Current Projects
Wilson Rd. S. closure for Highway 401 / Wilson Rd. overpass replacement
The Ministry of Transportation (M.T.O.) project is underway for Highway 401 rehabilitation and long-term widening needs from Brock Rd. to Courtice Rd.
As part of the project, M.T.O. is undergoing work to replace the Wilson Rd. S. overpass structure along Highway 401 in Oshawa. This project includes lowering Wilson Rd. and making improvements to the surrounding embankments, retaining walls, noise barriers, drainage, lighting, and signage.
As part of the construction, there will be a long-term full closure of Wilson Rd. S. from Dieppe Ave. to Bloor St. E. Construction is set to begin on March 24, 2025 and is expected to be completed by late 2026. During this time, both lanes of Wilson Rd. will be closed from Dieppe Ave. to Bloor St.
For project-related questions and comments, please visit the MTO project website.
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Learn about the Ontario highways program. Find highway expansion and rehabilitation projects that are planned or underway.
Ongoing construction projects
- Construction of the Lviv Blvd. cul-de-sac
- Re-alignment of the Michael Starr Trail multi-use pathway
Completed projects
- Highway 401 Westbound Pavement Rehab and Bridge Replacement (GWP 2298-13-00)
- Shoulder widening and resurfacing of Highway 401
- Replacement of Simcoe St. S. and Albert St. bridge structures over Highway 401
- Reconstruction of the Bloor St. and Simcoe St. S. and Lviv Blvd. and Albert St. intersections
To obtain information about a completed project, please contact Engineering Services.