The submission requirements below are minimum requirements. The City, at its discretion, may request additional drawings, reports or information as deemed necessary by the Director of Engineering, to assess the environmental impact of the Fill or alteration.
Site Plan |
The scale of any drawings prepared by a professional company, shall be one of the following, 1:100, 1:250, 1:500 or 1:1000 as deemed appropriate. Each drawing shall have dimensions in metres.
- Site Plans for Minor Residential Permits must, at minimum, include following information:
- Property limits and existing structures (house, shed, garage, pool, etc)
- North arrow
- Details of the proposed work and a boundary of the affected area
- Grading and servicing information may also be shown on this plan.
- Site Plans for all other applications shall include the following information:
- a key map showing the location of each lot, including the nearest major intersection and north arrow;
- the lot boundaries and area (expressed in hectares) of each lot;
- the existing and proposed use of the land and the location and use of the buildings and other structures adjacent to each lot;
- the location, dimensions and use of any building and other structures existing or proposed to be erected on each lot;
- the location of lakes, streams, wetlands, channels, ditches, other watercourses and other bodies of water on and within a minimum of 30 metres beyond each lot boundary;
- the location of all Regulatory Flood Lines and Conservation Authority Fill Regulation lines;
- Dimensions of the work area from the property lines and existing structures.
- the location and dimensions of all proposed land disturbance activities, including construction of access roads
- the species, grade at base and size of all trees greater than 250 millimetres in caliper, all shrubs, trees and hedges within three (3) metre(s) of the property line and driveways on each lot and all easements and rights‑of‑way over, under, across or through each lot
Engineering Drawings |
Drawings prepared by a professional must have one of the following, 1:100, 1:250, 1:500 or 1:1000 with dimensions in metres.
Grading Plan
- Show existing and proposed lot grading including parking lots, driveways, grassed areas, walkways with surface flow directions
- Include existing topography on each lot and extend at least 30m beyond each lot boundary
- Indicate proposed grades and drainage system after filling
- Show overland water flow directions and routes
- Mark locations of roof-water leader outfalls
Servicing Plan
- Indicate size, length, location, grade, material and bedding of proposed storm sewers, sanitary sewers and water connections
- Show locations and dimensions of any existing and proposed stormwater systems and natural drainage within 30m of each lot boundary
- Indicate utilities, structures, roads, highways and paving located within 30m of each lot boundary
- Show service inverts at the property line
Erosion Sediment Control Plan
- Include erosion and sediment control plans (e.g. silt fence, mud mat, etc.) and any constraints (buffers/ restricted areas, etc.) required by other permits.
- Provide notes on housekeeping, erosion control, dust control, road sweeping and cleaning
- Show locations, dimensions, design details and design calculations of all construction site erosion control measures
- Indicate locations and dimensions of all temporary soil, dirt or fill stockpiles
- Refer to Section 6 of the City of Oshawa’s Engineering Design Criteria Manual for further details
Stormwater Management Report |
A stormwater management report is a document that outlines strategies and practices for managing the runoff of rainwater or melted snow. This report shall include:
- Assessment of existing conditions: Evaluating the current state of stormwater infrastructure and natural water flow.
- Design of stormwater management systems: Proposing solutions like retention basins, green infrastructure, and drainage systems to control and treat stormwater.
- Impact analysis: Predicting the effects of stormwater on the environment and infrastructure.
- Maintenance plans: Outlining procedures for the upkeep of stormwater management systems to ensure their effectiveness over time
Refer to Section 7 of the City of Oshawa’s Engineering Design Criteria Manual for further details
Cut/Fill Plan |
Show work area(s) and proposed depths of the cut/fill operations |
Haul Route |
- Provide a written description and Google Map printout of the proposed route from source to destination site
- Included a daily hauling schedule with expected daily truck visits
- Minimize use of local roads; prioritize arterial and collector roads
- A Traffic Management Plan with signage may be required, depending on the route and site location
C.L.O.C.A. Permit |
Any site alteration within Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (C.L.O.C.A.) regulated areas (C.L.O.C.A. map), requires approval from C.L.O.C.A. before a Site Alteration Permit can be issued.
Get a C.L.O.C.A. permit
You may apply for a Site Alterations Permit before receiving your C.L.O.C.A. permit, but the City cannot issue it until a copy of the C.L.O.C.A. permit is provided.
Regional Access Permit |
If access is on a Regional Road with no existing entrance, an approved Access Permit from Durham Region will be required before Site Alteration approval.
Get a Region of Durham permit
Soils Management Plan |
A Soils Management Plan ensures that safety protocols and regulatory requirements are met during site alteration. This plan, prepared by environmental professionals, must be tailored to the site and assess the environmental impact of the fill or alteration. It must be approved by the Director of Engineering and include the following:
- A detailed scope of work including material quantities to be imported/exported, source/destination locations, and fill depth plus a proposed work schedule
- Excess Soils Destination Assessment Report
- Soils Characterization Report with a Qualified Person’s statement confirming compliance with O.Reg 406/19
- Reuse Consent letter signed by the receiving site Owner
- Owner’s Authorization form (if applicable)
- Excess Soils Registry Notice if proposing to remove more than 2,000m3 or receiving more than 10,000 m3 of material
- A dust control plan if the site alteration may have an adverse impact on the neighbouring community. The dust control plan must include:
- method for monitoring dust
- response plan to address dust incidents
- location and identification of the predominant existing Soil types
- A Qualified Person declaration that includes the following:
- That the Project Leader or Operator of the project area have provided the Qualified Person or an individual supervised by the Qualified Person with all necessary information and access to the project area and authorized the Qualified Person or an individual supervised by the Qualified Person to make any inquiries of the Project Leader and Operator’s employees and agents, for the purpose of assisting the Qualified Person in preparing or overseeing the preparation of the documents
- That the Qualified Person has prepared or overseen the preparation of the documents
- That the documents are complete and accurate and meet the requirements of the regulation and these Soil Rules to the best of the Qualified Person’s knowledge
- That the Qualified Person certifies that the Fill contains no Contamination as defined in the Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.19
- Other studies and reports, as necessary, to assess the application, including studies and reports required under the City of Oshawa Official Plan and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, and fees to cover the peer review of such studies and reports
- If located on the Oak Ridges Moraine, confirmation of compliance with O. Reg. 140/02, the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, and the Zoning By-law
Registration on the Excess Soils Registry
Receiving sites accepting over 10,000 cubic metres of material must register online with the Excess Soils Registry. A notice must be filed if any of the following applies (unless exempt):
- More than 2,000 cubic meters of excess soil is being removed from a commercial or community property uses, including roadways
- Soil is removed from a project area previously used for industrial purposes (e.g. garage, gas station, dry-cleaning operation etc.)
- The project area is being remediated by excavating and removing contaminated soil, including for the purposes of filing a Record of Site Condition
Learn more by visiting the Excess Soil Registry.
Security Deposits and Cost Estimates |
The Security Deposit, in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash, is held by the City to cover costs if the terms of a Site Alteration Permit are not met. It may be used to hire contractors or professionals to achieve compliance with an Order under the Site Alteration By-law. The deposit must be replenished upon request to maintain permit compliance.
The deposit ensures the City has the resources to address any liabilities arising from site alteration or fill activities, including but not limited to:
Operational Liabilities:
- Dirt on roads
- Dust
- Noise
- Surface runoff
- Fencing
- Site access control
Environmental Liabilities:
- Contaminated soil
- Soil, surface water and groundwater impacts
- Dust and nuisance impacts
The amount of Security Deposit will be based on the specific details of the proposed site alteration. Site alterations that did not involve the importation of fill would not have the same liability as a fill operation as the most significant environmental liability is associated with the importation of potentially contaminated or deleterious materials.
Security deposit amounts shall be as follows:
- Minor Residential - $1,000
- Residential Infill (1-3 units) and (4-10 units) - $3,000
- Pre-servicing for Site Plans
- 100% of the combined total of the Cost Estimate and Road Damage Deposit plus a 15% contingency and 13% HST
- Fill Operations
- 100% of the combined total of the Cost Estimate and Road Damage Deposit plus a 15% contingency and 13% HST
Permit fees and security deposits less that $10,000 can be paid directly through the City’s Portal website or with a cheque made payable to the City of Oshawa (Please write the property address and permit application number (PRSA ########) on the cheque) and hand delivered to Service Oshawa or mailed to the City Of Oshawa.
If the security deposit amount exceeds $10,000, the applicant may instead choose to issue a Letter of Credit.
Cost Estimate (Only required for Pre-Servicing Site Plans and Fill Operations)
- The Cost Estimate shall include all costs associated with road cleaning and erosion and sediment control measures shown on the drawings.
for the erosion sediment control measures
- Once the items and unit prices are approved, 100% of this estimate will be added to the required Security Deposit.
Road Damage Deposit (Only required for Pre-Servicing for Site Plans and Fill Operations Only)
The Road Damage Deposit is dependent on the amount of fill being imported/exported.
- For fill amounts less than 500m3 a deposit of $3000 shall be taken.
- For fill amounts between than 500m3 and 1000m3 a deposit of $5000 shall be taken.
- For fill amounts larger than 1000m3, the City shall calculate the amount required.
The City reserves the right to invoice the Applicant for to cost to remediate any damages caused to City roads for costs in excess of these deposits.
Return of Security Deposits and Letters of Credit
Security Deposits and Letters of Credit will be returned only after the City has conducted a post construction inspection of the site and confirms there are no outstanding issues. The Owner is responsible to request the post construction inspection.
Letters of Credit |
All Letters of Credit submitted under this application must be in favour of the City, issued by a Canadian chartered bank, and in a form acceptable to the City. The letter must specify the amount, allow payment to the City Treasurer without inquiry or recourse, and be valid for at least one year. If the application is incomplete by the expiration date, the letter must be extendable.
The letter must include a clause for automatic annual renewal unless the bank notifies the City at least 30 days before expiry that it will not renew. In that case, the City may demand the full remaining amount. The letter cannot be revoked without City Treasurer approval or transferred to another account.
Increases to Letters of Credit
If a Letter of Credit is submitted, the City may request an increase in its value if the current amount is insufficient to cover the application’s requirements. This decision is at the City's sole discretion. If the increased Letter of Credit is not provided within 20 days of the request, the applicant will be in default and cannot proceed with development. If the default lasts 30 days or more, the City may, with 15 days' notice, draw the total amount of the Letter of Credit.
The applicant acknowledges that the letter of credit guarantees completion of their obligations under the application. If the land is transferred before obligations are complete, the applicant acknowledges that it is its own and sole responsibility to make arrangements with the transferee of the land directly to have liability for the letter of credit guaranteed or assumed by the transferee. A substitute Letter of Credit from the transferee may not be accepted by the City.
Certificate of insurance (Only for Pre-servicing for Site Plans and Fill Operations) |
Applicants must provide liability insurance for $2,000,000 per occurrence against all claims including personal injury, death, property damage, or environmental damage resulting directly or indirectly from site alteration or fill activities. The City shall be named as additional insured and the coverage is to remain in place until all requirements and conditions listed in all permits, agreements, and orders related to the site alteration on the subject site are completed to the Director’s satisfaction. A valid copy of the insurance certificate must be on file for the duration of the permit. Within 30 days of renewal permit holders must provide the City with an updated copy of the certificate. |