What is Anti-Racism?
Many people believe that racism is only about what we believe and how we act and that we can fight racism by simply not holding racist attitudes or taking part in racist activities. This ignores the ways that racism may be a part our institutions and the structure of our society. This means that even in a community of people who are “not racist”, inequalities can still exist at the systemic level that produce social, political, and economic disadvantages for Black, Indigenous and people of colour.
The opposite of racist isn't "not racist". It is "anti-racist". - Ibram X. Kendi
Anti-Racism is about action. Anti-Racism calls on us to challenge racism wherever it exists and work to remove barriers at all levels of our society.
"In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.”
- Angela Y. Davis
Community Resources
Black Community Resources |
Indigenous Resources |
Newcomer, Immigrant and Refugee Resources |
Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (Q.T.B.I.P.O.C.) Resources |
Women's Resources |
Anti-Racism at the City of Oshawa
Diversity and Inclusion Plan
Our Diversity and Inclusion Plan reflects the City of Oshawa’s commitment to:
- Identify and address forms of discrimination that create barriers to accessing services and participating fully in our community
- Work with equity-deserving groups to counter practices at all levels that inhibit inclusivity
- Launch and deliver programs and services that are based on the goals of fairness, justice and non-discrimination and celebrate the diversity of our community
City Council
Oshawa’s City Council has demonstrated its ongoing commitment to Anti-Racism with the following motions:
- In July 2020, City Council approved an Anti-Racism Motion and resolved to support zero tolerance against racism and condemn all racist acts of violence.
- In May 2021, City Council approved an Anti-Racism Motion which denounced and condemned all acts of racism and hate against the Asian community.
- Oshawa City Council has recognized and acknowledged the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action and United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and are committed to using these two documents as the framework for the City’s reconciliation efforts.
Memberships and Collaborations
The City works collaboratively with many groups to help develop and implement strategies to build a more inclusive Oshawa:
Inclusive Municipalities
The City is member of the Inclusive Municipalities (formerly Canadian Coalition of Municipalities against Racism and Discrimination) through the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. This partnership allows us to work with like-minded municipalities in implementing and improving policies against racism, discrimination, exclusion and intolerance.
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) Employer Partner
CCDI strives to generate awareness, dialogue and action that helps people recognize diversity as an asset, not an obstacle. Through Our partnership with CCDI helps us create a workplace that is inclusive, free of prejudice and discrimination.
Call it Out: Racism, Racial Discrimination and Human Rights Training
The Ontario Human Rights Commission created Call It Out, a free 30 minute interactive online course. The course is an opportunity to learn about race, discrimination and human rights protections under the Ontario Human Rights Code. It presents a historical overview of racism and racial discrimination, explains the meaning of race, racism, and racial discrimination, and provides approaches to prevent racial discrimination.