Planning Services
Planning Services is responsible for managing land use policy and development activities for the City.
Planning Services is comprised of the Development and Urban Design division and the Policy division whose responsibilities are listed below.
Development and Urban Design:
- Maintain Zoning By-law
- Maintain Official Plan
- Maintain Sign By-law
- Telecommunication facilities
- Processing planning applications
- Committee of Adjustment (minor variances or consents)
- Street Naming Policy
- Long range planning
- Official Plan Review
- Official Plan and Part II Plan policy formulation
- Coordinate and prepare the Integrated Columbus Part II Planning Act and Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Act Study
- Community Improvement Plans
- Review Federal, Provincial and Regional policy, legislation and guidelines
- Strategic research and analyses
- Undertakes statistical analyses related to population, employment and housing
- Coordinate and support Heritage Oshawa and designation of properties under the Ontario Heritage Act
- Coordinate and support the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee
- Manage Corporate Real Estate Portfolio
Applications, Forms and Policies
- Development Applications
- Sign Variances
- Development Application File Closure Policy
- Development Application Outstanding Taxes Policy
- War Veteran Street Name Nomination Form
- City of Oshawa Official Plan
- Samac Secondary Plan
- Zoning By-law 60-94
- Zoning By-law 16-94 (Hospital Consolidated By-law)
- Telecommunication Facilities Policy
- Simcoe Street North Land Use, Urban Design and Transportation Study - April 2006
- Street Naming Policy for Private Residential Roads
- Urban Design Guidelines for Sites with Vehicle Drive-through Facilities
- City of Oshawa Cannabis Retail Store Locational Guidelines
- Brownfields Renaissance Community Improvement Plan Application
- Harbour Road Area Community Improvement Plan Application
- Simcoe Street South Renaissance Community Improvement Plan Application
- Urban Growth Centre Community Improvement Plan Application
- Wentworth Street West Community Improvement Plan Application
- Heritage Permit
To divide a single lot of land into two or more lots, you may need to submit one of the following applications:
If your project does not comply with the City's Zoning By-law or the Oshawa Official Plan, you may need to revise your plans to comply, or submit one of the following applications.
Minor variance (Committee of Adjustment)
Certain projects also require a Site Plan Control application, such as apartment buildings, block townhouses, commercial, institutional and industrial buildings, and residential and farm development in the Oak Ridges Moraine.
Citizen's Guides to Land Use Planning (Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing)
Greenbelt Protection (Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing)
Ontario Land Tribunal (O.L.T.)
New Subdivision Homeowners Information
Places to Grow (Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing)
Provincial Policy Statement (Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing)
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Cannabis Retail Store Information