
The City monitors, regulates and enforces parking regulations on City streets to meet the needs of community members, businesses and visitors. We offer a variety of parking permit options and provide lots of parking options downtown.
An Occasional Use Parking Permit provides parking on residential streets for visitors and special circumstances that prevent homeowners from parking in their driveways. Occasional Use Parking Permits are NOT valid during snow clearing operations.
Get an Occasional Use Parking Permit
View the Snow Clearing Activity Report
General Parking Regulations |
Unless otherwise signed, all streets have a three hour limit and:
The Traffic By-law outlines all parking regulations in the City. |
School Zones |
Municipal Law Enforcement Officers are your partners in safety. Community members can file a complaint with Service Oshawa regarding a school zone. An Officer will attend the school and ensure that parking and traffic regulations are followed. They are there to help - safety is the number one priority. For more information, please read our School Safety Bulletin. No Stopping ZonesDo not stop in a "No Stopping Zone" unless required to stop to avoid conflict with other vehicles or required to by a traffic sign or signal. Stopping can reduce the view of other drivers and pedestrians and increase the chance of an accident. No Parking ZonesYou can stop briefly to drop off or pick up passengers in these zones, but waiting in a vehicle or leaving your vehicle unattended is not allowed. Parking in a "No Parking Zone" can also contribute to traffic congestion and collisions and reduce the view of drivers and pedestrians. Fire RoutesFire routes help Fire and Emergency Crews access buildings in an emergency. Blocking these routes, even to drop off or pick up students, can be very dangerous for everyone. Kiss and RideThe design of these areas makes pick-up and drop-off at school quick and efficient. Please do not park or leave your vehicle unattended in a Kiss and Ride area. Accessible Parking SpacesOnly those with a valid Accessible Parking Permit may occupy these spaces. Learn more about accessible parking permits. |
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations |
With funding support through The Atmospheric Fund, the City has installed Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations which are available to the public during facility operating hours at the following City facilities: