Oshawa Named a Green Building Champion
In November, the Durham Greener Buildings program held its annual Evening of Recognition, celebrating buildings in Durham Region that perform exceptionally well in energy efficiency.
The City of Oshawa received two awards:
Best Energy Performing Fire Station (Large) Award — City of Oshawa’s Fire Hall 1
The Award is based on the fire station with the lowest energy usage when compared against building size.
In 2023, Fire Hall 1 underwent significant modifications to the building exterior and the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Exterior building changes included replacing leaking, and end of life windows with modern replicas. HVAC changes included installing energy-efficient condensing boilers along with revamping the ventilation system with modern energy efficient equipment. In addition, an upgraded building automation system (BAS) was implemented that allows for better equipment monitoring and management to meet the needs of the occupants while being energy efficient.
Climate Leadership Award — Rotary Park Redevelopment Project
The Climate Leadership Award recognizes innovative projects that significantly impact the organization and the community by demonstrating leadership in sustainability, providing a significant impact on the community using innovative approaches.
Currently under construction and on track to open in summer 2025, Rotary Park Redevelopment Project aims to revitalize the pool and park that has been a part of the community for decades. All elements of the new facility, including heating of the building, domestic water and pool are powered by electricity, eliminating all fossil-fuel onsite. Insulation, glazing, shading and a green roof like terrace are placed strategically to minimize heating and cooling.
In partnership with Windfall Ecology Centre, the Durham Greener Buildings program promotes energy efficiency and sustainability in institutional and commercial buildings.
For more information on the Durham Greener Buildings program and all the award winners, visit durhamgreenerbuildings.ca.
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